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The Fairy of Winter

December 25, 2013


When trying to decide what to post for Christmas, I got an image in my head of one of the princess’s seven fairy godmothers, since she’s themed after snow and winter, and she seemed perfect for the season. Though the icicles hanging from her sleeves must seem irksome, they don’t appear to hinder her elegance and graceful bearing.

I must recommend listening to Christmas harp music when drawing such pictures.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

In Celebration of Redheads

November 30, 2013


For Saint Andrew’s Day, Scotland’s official national day, I could think of nothing better than a picture featuring abundant red hair, as Scotland boasts the highest percentage of redheads in the world.

Happy Saint Andrew’s Day, Scotland! : )

The uncolored pencil sketch can be found here.

The Wicked Fairy

October 31, 2013


Here’s another picture of the wicked fairy, who’s obviously evil and thus quite fitting for a Hallowe’en post. I can’t recall why I did this test drawing, aside from possibly experimenting with her color theme, which is a dark purple to represent midnight (and insanity, apparently) and a bright yellowy green for the fireflies. I think all that’s missing is a villainous cat on her lap for her to stroke ominously.

Happy Hallowe’en!

Fairy Godmother

September 29, 2013


I thought it’d be nice to post a warrior angel for the Michaelmas season, and since the fairy tale princess’s fairy godmother already has the wings for it, I chose her to represent the role, which seemed fitting as fairy godmothers often act as guardian angels.

I decided to theme each of the princess’s seven fairy godmothers after the seasons of the year or times of day. This fairy godmother was themed on daytime and sunlight, so her hair glows like the sun during the day.

Drawing her in armor has tempted me to replace her usual wardrobe of the typical flowing gown.


The fairy godmother of daylight at nighttime.

Left-handed Archery

August 13, 2013


Happy Lefthanders Day!

I was trying to figure out what I could possibly post for August and then I discovered that today is Lefthanders Day. Since I happen to be sinistral myself (that means I’m left-handed, not evil), I thought it was my duty to post a left-handed picture of my fairy tale princess. And how else could I illustrate her handedness except archery?

And! My sister decided to join in on the left-handed archery with her own post. : )

Happy Independence Day!

July 4, 2013


Yet again, I’m posting something red, white and blue for the Fourth of July. And it is a well-known fact that people celebrated the Fourth of July in the Middle Ages by throwing apples. ;P

Happy Father’s Day!

June 16, 2013


Sometimes fathers best show their love simply by providing and protecting.

I thought I’d share an old sketch of the fairy tale princess’s father holding her, his firstborn child, as a newborn. He doesn’t even mind that they had a girl. Granted, the fact that she’s a girl won’t stop him from taking her boar hunting and to see the jousting at tourneys.

I wanted to update this sketch like I did the one for Mother’s Day, but real life got in the way.

Happy Mother’s Day!

May 12, 2013


Motherhood is the most important job in the world.

I thought I’d update an old sketch of the fairy tale princess having tea with her mother, who is teaching her little girl how to be a proper lady. Good posture and holding one’s little finger out are only the basics.

I am aware of how anachronistic tea cups are in the Middle Ages, but who really cares? 😉

April Fools’ Day Elegance?

April 1, 2013


Since I’ve never been a prankster, I thought I’d just post a sketch of the fairy tale princess wearing a jester hat (or fool’s cap) for April Fools’ Day. I’m not sure how, but she has managed to make it look almost classy.

A bundle of bunnies

March 31, 2013


I never thought I’d draw my fairy tale princess looking so much like, well, a fairy tale princess. But how could I resist the chance of drawing so many adorable little rabbits?

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter!